Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Liberty Methodist Part 3

This old sign is now on it's third re-birth, as it stands. I don't know who did the original, but it was hand-painted on a sheet of metal and stood just off the four lane Gordon Terry Parkway. As it states, the church is 1/3 mile down county road 229. I was asked to redo it twenty years or so ago, and at the time, didn't think to take a picture. That was before digital cameras and cell phones had really grabbed on, and all I had was a film camera. And film cost money. I was asked again to replace the panels. The last two are both sides and the frame has since been moved to the south side of the church. They have an electric sign out on the parkway.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Complimentary Tags


With the new signs I decided to make a new tag for my truck, to keep things current.
It also dawned on me to offer an incentive for the patronage we have received this year.
For any graphic job we are chosen to do; be it vehicle graphics, signs, etc., and the total is $100.00 or more, we will design and produce a tag as a compliment for you. Just ask us about it when you place your order. So get 'em rolling in!