Friday, November 4, 2011

Finalized Graphics

This is my '85 Jeep after completion of it's graphics. I even gave it a new tag! Added the steel doors and hardtop right before the cool weather came.

Monday, October 24, 2011

New Business Sign

Re-designed and installed my more stylized business sign. Made of primed HDF, then overlayed with plastic paint (yellow) and 2-mil cast black and red vinyl. Measures 36" in width.

Monday, October 17, 2011


My neighbor brought his newly painted Suzuki by so I could take some pics. The painter applied the graphics I had cut for him, then sealed them with a clear coat. The original color was red; I like this better.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Suzuki Bike

A neighbor of mine has a Suzuki that he is having painted and came by and asked me if I could cut him out some decals to go on it. He had some logos and symbols he had downloaded from the net and wanted them in charcoal metallic. The above are some of the ones we did. There were sets of some of these. The painters will apply them after base-coating and then clear-coat them.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

More L & L

Nick at L&L Corvette asked for some advertisement for his vehicles and opted for placement on side windows. After deciding on the info to be included, we arrived at the above. He ordered two per vehicle. While we were at it, we went ahead and scaled this one to go on his back window of his truck.

Monday, August 15, 2011

L&L Corvette Parts and Hydrographics

Original sign
Old vinyl stripped
After primer
Top coat
I was asked to create a new sign for L & L Corvette Parts and Hydrographics, but to use the existing sign, mounted on the front of their building. It is aluminum facing and frame, so it is light-weight and for that I am thankful. I began by stripping off the old vinyl and adhesive, sanding and priming the panel. It was in decent shape, but had a lot of holes in it from previous 3D lettering mounted on it. I plugged most of them with pop rivets and finalized by applying a top coat.
After a new design was approved and fresh vinyl applied, the last shot is the finished product.

Monday, April 4, 2011


My step-daughter is big into anime and especially Final Fantasy, so she asked if I would make her a decal of Shin-Ra logo. It is a 4-color and she presently has it on her back window of her car. If you have any other logo you'd like, email me a scannable pic, and we can probably do it.

Monday, February 28, 2011

New Business Sign

I made a new sign for the business over this past weekend. It has a total of 5 layers of 3/8" hardboard. Mounted to a 2x4 anchored in the mortared brick wall. 36" in diameter.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

For The Auburn Fans

Looks good on the back window or tailgate. A few fans are even ordering larger versions to apply directly to their rec. room/bedroom walls in lieu of paintings or posters! (bottom pic)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Back Window Cowboys

My brother's girlfriend is an avid "outdoorsy" person, who owns a couple of horses which they ride quite often, was downtown in her truck not long ago and heard the couple behind her blowing their horn. She pulled over and they asked about her back window decal (above). They liked it and wanted one, themselves. I gave her a bunch of my cards, so she gave them one.
Rolling advertisement is the best.